Are You Having Fun?

It’s a simple question. But ask yourself, are you having fun? 

The other day I was sitting with my good friend PJ, expressing to him some frustrations about my musical endeavors. He was quick to respond: “Dude when’s the last time you went to a show and were just a fan having fun?” 

It was hard for me to answer this question right away, but once I pondered it for a few moments it dawned on me, I really hadn’t been to a show and just HAD FUN in so long. How is this possible? Well, I’ll tell you why. I had been taking everything so damn seriously for so long that I forgot why I got into this in the first place: cause going to shows and playing music is really fucking fun. 

The universe seemed to be aligning in a strange way and a couple days after this conversation with PJ my friend Z from Clint Stevens Band blessed me with a free ticket to Pot of Gold Music Festival, where some of my favorite bands were playing. I made my way over to RawHide and by 3:30 I felt like a kid at Disneyland, running from stage to stage, meeting up with friends, lost in the energy of such a beautiful gathering. 

The show was nothing short of amazing. I don’t think I’ve had that much fun since the last time I went to a show! Just kidding. But only a little. I hadn’t lost my love for music by any means, but having such a FUN experience on the other side of things (not playing) was extremely refreshing. 
Maybe you’re a filmmaker and you’ve been caught up working on your latest film for a year. Go out and watch a movie and remember what inspired you to start making movies.

Maybe you’re an mechanical engineer, you have been working on a project for 9 months to no avail and you’re feeling frustrated. Go to an auto show, or go check out some bad ass bridges and remember why you got into building shit.... I can already tell you the answer: CAUSE YOU HAVE FUN DOING IT.

Fun won’t pay the bills. I’ll admit that. But having fun with your work will make paying the bills a little more agreeable. 

Making little to no money sucks BUT I have a lot of fun playing music, so it makes me happy about the little money I do make. Hopefully one day I can have A LOT of fun and make A LOT of money.... but that’s not the reason I do this. Again, it’s about the fact that I have fun doing it and I’d like to do it forever. Money is just a perk.  

Do you have a hobby or passion that you’ve considered, or are currently working towards making it your career? 

You’d be surprised how many people encounter the same frustrations. We’d love to hear your story.

With love,



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